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General Breeding Regulations - Code of Ethics


These breeding regulations should serve as a basis for you  and  policy  for optimal, species-appropriate and consistent breeding. The aim is to promote and deepen the functional characteristics of pedigree dogs. It meets international standards and all animal welfare requirements. Compliance with the breeding regulations and the resulting instruction is of benefit to all members and guarantees breeding and performance success.

These breeding regulations must be observed by members and breeders of the SRZ.

It is necessary to reconcile dog breeding with the principles of animal welfare. Purebred dog breeding can only be animal welfare-friendly if the following is taken into account:


  • Health and vitality as a breeding goal.

  • Avoidance of close kin breeding.

  • Avoiding excessive anatomical, physiological, and ethological exaggeration (overtyping).

  • Avoidance or limitation of hereditary diseases and defects.

  • Exclusion of breeds whose specific type can only be achieved through characteristics that can cause pain, suffering or harm in the parents and / or their offspring (their offspring).


§1 standard

The breed standards on which these breeding regulations are based are internationally recognized, defined in the FCI and binding for all breeders.

Violations of the breeding regulations and non-compliance lead to a temporary or permanent breeding ban; in case of recurrence or serious cases to exclusion.

Every breeder must strictly adhere to the Swiss Animal Welfare Act!


§2 Chief Breed Warden President

Felix Ludwig Julmy


§3 Breed Warden

The breed wardens of the SRZ are responsible for the implementation of the present breeding regulations in cooperation with the breeders.

The decisions made matter. In addition to the Breed Warden(s), the President is an advisor to the breeders and stud dog owners. He or the breed wardens accept the resulting litters.

Complaints against the breed warden's decision can only be lodged with the president.

A breed warden may under no circumstances accept his self-bred litters.


§4 breeding rights

In order to claim breeding rights, membership in the SRZ is a prerequisite.

Before a bitch is mated for the first time, a kennel name must be applied for at the stud book office, which is protected by the SRZ.

Every breeder is responsible for his breeding; he must have sufficient cynological knowledge.

It must be bred according to the internationally valid breed standard.


§5 suitability for breeding 

In the SRZ, only dogs that can be proven to have a breeding permit may be bred from. Breeding suitability certificates from other breeding clubs are recognized by the SRZ!

Breed suitability for your dog is acquired in a breed suitability test, which is carried out by a recognized veterinarian. The result of the breeding suitability test is entered in the pedigree by the stud book keeper.



§6 Unsuitability for breeding

Error,  which require an absolute breeding ban are as follows:

a)     dentition error

b)     rickety phenomena

c)     Exceeding or falling below the specified body dimensions

d)     Cryptorchidism (Einhoder)

e)     swayback, carp back

f)      Knock-knees or O-legs (breed related)

G)     Patella (knee joint dislocation) due to breed

H)     HD (Breed)

i)     Diseases of the wedge vertebra (due to breed)


Addition: HD evaluations can be carried out by a vet of your choice.  The HD evaluation sheet must be sent to the stud book office of the SRZ.


§7 breeding use

For breeds under 45 cm, males from 12 months and females from 15 months up to 8 years can be admitted for breeding.

For breeds over 45 cm, males from 12* months and females from 18 months up to 8 years can be admitted for breeding.

There is no age limit for males.

Subsequent assignments and incestuous matings may only take place with special permission.

*With the agreement of the studbook office.


§9 Litter notification

The breeder must report the litter to the stud book office no later than 3 weeks after the birth using the litter registration form in order to apply for the pedigrees. (Breed Exceptions)


§10 The litter inspection is carried out in the 6th to 8th week. It can be obtained from one of our breed wardens  and by a veterinarian if the vet inspects the kennel and inspects the litter (using the SRZ forms). As a rule, the kennel is visited once a year by a breed warden, provided there is a litter.

New breeders have to have FIRST CHECKS (breeding site inspection and puppy acceptance) carried out by one of our breed wardens.

If the litter is checked by a veterinarian, the litter registration form must be presented to him. This is then together with the following documents

a)     Copy of the dam's pedigree

b)     Copy of the stud dog's pedigree

c)     breeding suitability certificates

d)     For breeds over 45 cm, HD evaluation result

e)     Kennel control report and litter acceptance report

      submitted to the stud book office for the issuance of the pedigrees.


§11 Entry in the stud book

Dogs can be entered in the stud book of the SRZ under the following conditions:

a)     The parents have a pedigree from a recognized association.

b)     Both breeding partners are suitable for breeding on the mating day.

c)     After acceptance, the litter was duly reported to the stud book office with all documents.



The mating certificate and the litter registration forms are a document in the legal sense; the breeder and stud dog owner are responsible for a truthful and complete entry. False or deceptive information as well as omitted information will be prosecuted.

The SRZ reserves the right to reject entries that violate the breeding regulations.


§12 Stud Dogs

Every stud dog owner is free to  to release his stud dog for mating, but only healthy bitches suitable for breeding should be considered.


§13 stud fee

The stud fee should be agreed in advance and recorded in writing and paid after the stud act has been completed.

If no cash payment but another agreement has been made, this must be set out in writing and mutually certified so that later disagreeable disputes can be avoided.


§14 Delivery of the puppies

The puppies may be handed over at the earliest from the completed 8th week of life or from the 10th week.

They must be vaccinated, microchipped and dewormed regularly.  


Reasons for expulsion from the association are:

Club-damaging behavior.
Sell imported puppies from abroad in Switzerland.
Gross violations of the statutes.
Persistent failure to meet member obligations.
Defamation or threats against the board members, double membership.                                                                Dubious sales methods, as well as sales to dog shops and/or dog dealers.

untrue information on the mating slip and litter registration slip. 

Causing discord among members.
Exclusion does not require a general assembly, only the President of the SRZ and
the (or the)  respective president of the pedigree dog club.

There is no need for an AGM for fee increases, the board decides that.

With the termination of membership, the right to further use of the protected kennel name protection expires automatically!


There are breed-specific breeding regulations, these can be requested from us.

Violations of these breeding regulations will result in a breeding ban or exclusion.

The board of the SRZ decides on this



Zuchtordnung-Ethik Kodex

Wie erlangt ein Hund die Zuchttauglichkeit?

Das Tier kann erst nach Vollendung des ersten Lebensjahres begutachtet und untersucht werden auf allgemeine Gesundheit und auf für die jeweilige Rasse typischen Erkrankungen. Der Ernährungs-, Pflege- und Gesamtzustand des Tieres muss sehr gut sein.   

Beim ersten Zuchteinsatz muss das Tier adult und über ein Jahr alt sein - und unter vier Jahren. 

Die erteilte Zuchttauglichkeit ist dauerhaft gültig und muss nicht wiederholt werden. Der Abstammungsnachweis wird von der Vereinsleitung mit unserem Prüfsiegel versehen nach Vorlage der entsprechenden Befunde.  

Mit einer tierärztlichen Bescheinigung über allgemeine Gesundheit ist die Mindestanforderung für die Zucht laut unserer Zuchtordnung erfüllt. Im Sinne des Tierschutzgesetzes ist jede Art der Qualzucht auszuschließen.

Um in Haftungsfragen eine gewisse Rechtssicherheit zu erlangen empfehlen wir ein Beratungsgespräch mit einem Tierarzt zu führen über weitere sinnvolle Untersuchungen und/oder genetische Tests der Rasse entsprechend und diese auch durchführen zu lassen.

Genetische Untersuchungen können auch vor Vollendung des ersten Lebensjahres durchgeführt werden.  

Jeder Befund trägt zur gebotenen Erfüllung der Sorgfaltspflicht des Züchters bei und macht sich in der selektiven Zucht mit positivem Effekt umgehend und dauerhaft in den folgenden Generationen bemerkbar.

Keeping and rearing conditions

Minimum dimensions for shelters and runs:

Breed size (height at the withers)

Up to 28 cm
           6 m2 per mother dog with puppies       20 m2   outlet
          8 m2 per mother dog with puppies       30 m2   outlet
           10 m2 per mother dog with puppies      40 m2  outlet
          12 m2 per mother dog  with puppies      50m2 run
over 65cm
         16 m2 per mother dog with puppies      60m2 run

Accommodation, exercise area and food and drinking vessels must be kept clean at all times.
The breeder must feed and care for all dogs, especially mother dogs and puppies, at all times, give them enough opportunities to exercise and keep them busy!


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